Kuputaka: Glossary

A list of the kupu Māori (Māori words) used in Ōtea: Rock of Ages 1

āe yes
ahurei unique, important, distinguished
ai expression of surprise
Ariroa moon on the twenty-fifth night after the full moon
atua primal ancestor/supernatural being (often used as god)
auē! expression of astonishment or distress
haere rā    goodbye (said to someone leaving)
hau vital essence of a person, place or object
kararehe animal
Kōpū Venus as a morning star
koretake useless, hopeless
E kui addressing a kuia (term of respect for elderly woman)
Matawhero   the planet Mars
Māui-tikitiki-a-Taranga   well-known Polynesian hero, who performed a number of amazing feats
maui life-force
moko lizard, reptile (also grandchild and traditional Māori tattoo)
moutere island
nau mai, haere mai welcome
noho ora mai goodbye (said to someone staying)
Ōtea name of legendary isle (literally, pale or misty)
Pareārau the planet Saturn (sometimes Jupiter)
parehe variant of patupaiarehe
patupaiarehe fair-skinned, supernatural people who live on mountains, do not eat cooked food and are afraid of fires
raro under, down, below, North
rāwhiti East
runga over, above, on top, South
Takurua winter (also the star Sirius)
Tāne-mahuta atua of the forests and birds
Tangaroa-whakapau moon on the twenty-fifth night of the lunar month
tapatoru triangle
tapu sacred, restricted, set apart
Tāwhiri-mātea atua of the winds, clouds, rain, hail, snow and storm
Te Hōkioi bird of legend identified with extinct Haast’s eagle
Te Ikaroa The Milky Way (literally, the long fish)
tihei mauri ora! sneeze of life, call to claim the right to speak
tuatara (literally, spiny back) endemic reptile that has survived since the time of the dinosaurs, often called a ‘living fossil’
Tūmatauenga atua of war and humans
uru West (also enter)
Uru-te-Ngangana   atua atua of light and stars

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