Despite infrequent posting, work still proceeds on material for the world of Otea, albeit slowly. This is due to interruptions from related but separate creative projects already underway. In any event, I will post some of the notional sketch material here.
Copyright Zak Waipara 2018 |
Inktober is a drawing challenge following a set of prompts to draw and ink one illustration per day for the month of October. Since I already have a number of creative commitments that make demands on my time, one way to take part in the event is to try and make the prompts fit or tie into my other projects. Only two of these ended up being related directly to Otea - a stone-piled sun-dial derived from the prompt: #clock, and a guardian character that has ties to the folklore associated with the beaches of Otea, using the prompt: #guarded.
Copyright Zak Waipara 2018 |