Sunday, 10 May 2015

Transmedia and Comics

Timed to coincide with Chromacon, I was asked to present at a Transmedia NZ meetup about Transmedia and Comics – specifically the use of comics as a storytelling medium; the benefits of comics as a platform for transmedia content; and best practice tips on collaborating with comic creators.

Transmedia NZ is a group that supports the ongoing development of New Zealand’s transmedia production community, by creating opportunities for collaboration and sharing ideas.

My 2014 Master of Design thesis (AUT) focused on transmedia storytelling by telling a part of the Otea story through a comic, motion comic and game, so I have had some experience in adapting and creating stories across platforms.

Otea: Rock of Ages 1 launched

Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!

The first issue of  Otea: Rock of Ages was launched at Chromacon 2015 (18-19 April). Chromacon is an indie arts festival that showcases the work of New Zealand illustrators, comic artists and other creators. It was a great place to meet a wide cross-section of people and introduce Otea for the first time. Chromacon also interviewed all the creators on their tumblr - my interview is here.

Photos copyright Zak Waipara, 2015.